Friday, May 22, 2009


A 97 questions quiz .
Took it randomly from someone's blog :X

1. Real name: LeeWenYing(:
2. Nickname: lao wen/ BTL -.-
3. Star sign: Gemini♥
4. Male or Female: Female♥
5. Primary school: Unityy Primary School♥
6. Secondary school: Teck Whyee Secondary School♥♥♥! :D
7. JC/Poly: Polyy :P
8. Hair colour: Don't know lehs . Got abit de red on fringe ?
9. Hair Long or Short: waist length??
10. Loud or Quiet: Loud
11. Sweat or Jeans: Jeans.
12. Phone or Camera: P H O N E !♥♥
13. Health freak: NOPEE!! :D
14. Drink or Smoke: Drinkk~
15. Do you have a crush on someone: -insert text here- :P
16. Eat or Drink: Both.
17. Piercings: 1 onlyy , going for more?? O.o
18. Tattoo: Nope.
Have You Ever;
19. Been in an airplane: Of course lar -.-
20. Been in a relationship: No .
21. Been in car accident: No .
22. Been in first fight: Yeah((:
23. First piercing: Pri. 4 ?
24. First best friend: Forget liao .
25. First award: forgot :X
26. First crush: Hmmms , this one can't say.
27. First vacation: Wahhhs , Malaysia ? LOL :X
28. Last person you talked to: Jiaqi :D
29. Last person you texted to: Ricson :D
30. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: Jiaqi && Jueying((:
31. Last food you eat: Dark and Milk chocolate (:
32. Last movie you watch: Angels && Demons
33. Last song you listen: 如果的是
34. Last thing you bought: Lolipops!! ♥♥♥!!
35. Last person you hugged: MANDYY!! :D
36. Food: Fast Food barhs ?
37. Drink: 小麦草!♥♥♥♥!! :D
38. Clothing: Nice & Pretty clothes (:
39. Book: NONEE . Books are definitely OUT :X
40. Song: Too manyy favourites liao :X
41. Flowers: Roses bah ?
42. Colour: black , white , green & Red :D
43. Movie: Any except PORN. LOLOLOL :X
44. Phrase: w/e lar. -.-
45. Subjects: Chinese & Art .
Have you ever done before;
46. Kissed in the snow: Nopee~
47. Celebrated Halloween: Got.
48. Have your heart broken: YEAH. [NOT LOVEE MATTER HOR!!]
49. Went over the minutes on your cell phone: OF COURSE :D
50. Someone questioned your sexual orientation: Nope.
51. Came out of the closet: YEAH!! :D
52. Gotten pregnant: No . -.-
53. Had an abortion: Siao. No pregnant how can go abortion ?
54. Done something you have regretted: yupp ):
55. Broke a promise: Yes.
56. Hide a secret: Yes.
57. Pretended to be happy: YEAH. D:
58. Meet someone who have change your life: Maybe? idk -.-
59. Pretended to be sick: Hmmms , Yupps . xD
60. Left the country: Yupps .
61. Tried something your normally wouldnt try & liked it: Think so.
62. Cried over the silliest thing: yeah.. -.-
63. Ran a mile: No.
64. Went to the beach with your best friend(s): Yes!
65. Stay single the whole year: Yupps.
66. Eating: YES ; LOLIPOP :D
67. Drinking: Nopee.
68. Im about to ton: No.
69. Listening to: Big Girls Don't cryy~ LOL
70. Plans for tomorrow: GOING TO HAF SO MUCH FUN DOING TH GRFW JOB! :D
71. Waiting for: Snow . LOL.
Your future;
72. Want kids: 1 or 2?
73. Want to get married: Ya .
74. Careers in mind: I never think of it.
Which is better for boys;
75. Lips or Eyes: Eyes .
76. Shorter or Taller: Taller of course.
77. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
78. Nice stomach or Nice Arms: BOTH XP!
79. Sensitive or Loud: Both also dun want.
80. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
81. Trouble-maker or Hesistant: Both also dun wan.
Have your ever;
82. Lost glasses/contact lenses: YES! :D
83. Ran away from home: No , but want-to .
84. Hold a gun or knife for self defense: No .
85. Killed somebody: No .
86. Broken someone heart: yeah((:
87. Been arrested: No .
88. Cried when someone died: YEAH D:
Do you believe in;
89. Yourself: YUPP :D
90. Miracles: YUPP :D
91. Love at first sight: YES O:
92. Heaven: YES! :D
93. Santa Claus: NOPE.
94. Sex on the first date: No . -.-"
95. Kiss on the first date: No . -.-"
96. Is there one person you want to be with you right now: maybe , im confused -.-
97. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: No .

Tag 10 person to do this: (random)
-Lynn :X
-anyone .
-anyone .

Signing off ,


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